Monday, February 2, 2015

The School Day 

Even though it is January, today is my first day of school. I checked my schedule multiple times to make sure I was in the right classroom. Last night I packed my backpack with all the materials I would need for class. I begin to wonder about my assignments. Then I started to worry that the assignments may be to hard for me. Before my mind could worry anymore, I stop and remember that I can always look towards my classmates for help. I am excited about this semester

Vocabulary and Definations:
- schedule: a written plan
- classroom: a room in a school where classes are held
-backpack: a device carried on your back that can hold items 
-assignments: a task that needs to be done 
- semester: a certain amount of time that school is in session for
-classmates: someone who is in the same class as you 

Fill in the blank. Use the words and definitions above to complete the sentence. 
- When I go to English I look for the _______________ with the red door.
- I made sure I put my book in my _______________, so I had it for school tomorrow. 
- Since John and I are in the same class I like to call him my ____________________.
- When I need to find out where to go for class I check my ______________________.
- The teacher let us know that the _________________ was due on Monday and had to be 3 pages long.
- This _____________ will be 15 weeks total. 

Grammar Point
Last night, January, semester are all related to time. These words can help a writer give more description. Days of the week and months are examples of time (ex: April, Tuesday). Other examples are yesterday, tomorrow, the day before and tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice first entry! I am glad you are excited about your classes and hope you won't be disappointed.

    Your vocabulary choices and exercise were good. Please remember to add a grammar point and assignment. For example, you could write about expressions of time -- "in January," "this semester," and "last night." Then you could ask your students to think of other expressions of time and write a few sentences with them.
