Friday, March 20, 2015

The First Day of Spring 

Today is officially the first day of spring. I wanted to be prepared for spring so I made sure to put away all of my snow supplies. When it snows I use a snow scraper, shovel and broom to clean off the side walks. I was able to put the salt, ice melter and car brush away. I was so excited to have all the winter supplies until I hard the weather. I watched the weather on channel 2,4 and 10 but unfortunately they all said the same thing. All of the weather channels said that snow was on the way. This means I needed to talk all of those snow supplies out of the garage!

supplies: what material you use to get a task done
shovel: used to pick up large amounts of something
broom: used to move things away from the currently location
weather: rain, snow, wind, rain, sun
garage: a place with a car or supplies are stored

Vocabulary Exercise:
Fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary word

I need to pick up all the __________________ that I am going to use for my science project.

Please put the bag in the ________________ so we can store it till next year

I cant believe that the _____________ for Saturday is rain.

We need the _____________ to move all of this mess off the floor.

Grab the ___________________ so we can pick up all this snow.

Grammar Point: 
Commas can be used to separate a list of items. For example, when I was listing all the weather channels I was watching, I used a comma to separate them.

Grammar Exercise: 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the first day of spring brought a little disappointment. But I think we are on the right track now. Let's hope. Good choice of everyday vocabulary.
    Excellent grammar point, but I think the exercise is related to another use of commas -- separating clauses.
